Saturday, March 13, 2010

Oil paint over spray paint?

Is it possible to use oil paint over a spray-painted canvas (after the spray paint is dry, of course)?

Will the oils dry thoroughly if used over spray paint? Will it be difficult to use oils over such a slick, glossy, surface? Are there any possible problems I should be aware of?Oil paint over spray paint?
You would be able to do that, but not the other way around. You can put oil over spray paint, but you cannot put spray paint over oil.Oil paint over spray paint?
i have painted over other glossy surfaces but not spray -however i don't think it should be different then surfaces i have used.

there is no problem , you can paint oil over almost anything , it will dry, though it may take a bit longer.

the affect is sometimes different though - suggest using very little amounts of thinner or none at all . some times i found it harder to remove the brushes strokes - they will be shown more clear - to avoid this affect use soft brushes or rags instead of brushes. also found not used turpentine to help.

though the different affect might be what your looking for - if so - have fun with it.

good luck.

The rule is ';fat over lean.'; So yes, oil can go over acrylic or spray enamel for the same way that oil floats on water.

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